November Articles of Note
Tuesday November 4th, 2014, 10:52 pm
Here are the articles and blogs which caught our attention in October.
- Debrett’s misguided use of Bcc etiquette with a reply from Dr Seeley on the correct time and place to use bcc rather than To and cc.
- Three approaches to reducing email overload – guest post by Michael Einstein on why changing organisational email culture is so crucial.

- Defend yourself: the police can’t cope with cybercrime. The police can no longer cope with the scale of on-line fraud. The City of London’s chief Police Commissioner urges users to act more responsibly.
- Cybercrime battling a growth industry. Cybercrime is estimated to cost industry over $400bn. A review of sources and strategies to tackle cyber crime.
- New Ponemon report shows cyber crime on the rise. Cybercrime is estimated to be rising by 10% per year.
- That itch to check your inbox is only human. Its the marshmallow syndrome all over again, or is it?
- How tech is changing the way we think and what we think about. An off the wall look into the future from Clive Thomson author of ‘Smarter Than you Think’.
What have we missed. What did you read which caught you eye?
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Tags: bcc, Clive Thomson, cyber crime, cybercrime, Debrett's, email culture, email etiquette, email overload, Michael Einstein, Ponemon