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Five Top Tips to Spring Clean Your Inbox For The Easter Break to Reduce Email Overload

Posted Monday April 8th, 2019, 9:27 pm by

How many emails do you currently have in your inbox? More than three screen’s full? That is too many and might be an indication of email overload.  Your inbox should be your ‘work in progress’ folder.  It is not just a general dumping ground rather like either the spare room or ‘round to it’ folder.

Inbox spring cleaning

A clean inbox is a win-win way to reduce email overload related stress because it is easier to:

  • Spot important emails before they become urgent.
  • Keep on top of the incoming emails.
  • Find emails.

Hence you can save time dealing with your (and the boss’s) inbox and therefore improve your performance and well-being.  Here are five tips to help you clean up your inbox ready for the Easter break and subsequently reduce email overload on your return.  They do not form a sequence, rather they are individual tips; you can of course either use them all or just choose which suit you best.

  1. Move out all emails over two weeks old to a separate folder. Start the folder with a full stop and it will sit at the top of the list: eg .Old Emails.
  2. Use the Conversation view to group emails and see threads for those left in the inbox.
  3. Prioritise which emails you really need to see directly in your inbox. Then set up rules to divert all the less important emails to appropriate folders. For Outlook users use the ‘Search Folders’ to see all unread emails in one go: see diagram.

    Search Folders to see all emails of specific type eg unread

  4. Highlight emails which do need action either before or after the Easter break.For example add a follow-up flag; drag and drop them on your task-list/calendar, add a category or place them in a specific folder eg ‘Action’.
  5. Review the emails you have and see if an alternative to email would be more effective eg What’s App; OneNote; old fashioned conversation; SharePoint etc. Never be afraid to change because if you don’t you will get what you always have – email overload!

If you are having time off, remember to set an Out of Office message which reduces the risk of email borne cyber crime and improves compliance to to the GDPR.  And when all else fails you could always declare email bankruptcy.

Still need help with email management to reduce email overload?  Call us now to ask about Mesmo Consultancy’s Smart Email Management workshops and coaching programmes.


Happy Easter.

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