Showing items tagged with "Sherry Turkle" - 2 found.
This month is like a box of licorice allsorts with articles a range or articles on business email management and business email etiquette. They including, the business email etiquette of using the Out of Office Message, best business email etiquette for opening and closing emails, social media gives us more networking but are we any happier and a new report on mobile/flexible working. Read on.
- How to master the almost impossible etiquette of the Out of Office Message. Do you feel annoyed when you receive an Out of Office message and conversely does your OOO annoy others? It seems that there is a whole psychology to what we say and how we use the OOO.

- Is it correct to use ‘Dear Sirs’ when emailing several people? Clearly it depends on the context. of the business email as discussed in this Quora post by Dr Seeley.
- Why close emails with ‘best regards’. Time and again in workshops the question is asked, what is the best email etiquette to close an email? Here are some suggestions from another of Monica’s Quora posts. Don’t forget you can benchmark your own business email etiquette here.
- How to add accents using an IoS device (ipda/iphone etc). Business emails sent from mobile devices still need to look professional. This email etiquette tip will help you when typing names and words with accents.
- Internet on BA flights cleared for take-off. Do you value to opportunity to disconnect when flying and do some blue sky thinking (excuse the pun). Well that might be about to end for those flying BA. You will either have to be strong willed or change airlines!
- Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work. A new report from the International Labour Organisation is invaluable for those involved in mobile/flexible working programmes. Although, it’s long and not for the faint heart and with a short attention span.
- How the world became hocked on social media. Social media has expanded our networks but has it made us any happier? Whilst we are better informed and connected than ever before, we are no happier and in some less happy than the generation who had no social media. This article reviews three new books on the topic and is a must for any reader tasked with research in this area. Although one cannot help feeling it’s all been said before by Sherry Turkle’s ‘Reclaiming Conversation and in ‘Alone Together’.
Did you spot an article on business email management and etiquette which you can share to help us all reduce email overload?
Tags: anywhere, business email etiquette, Business email management, ilO, out of office message, Quora, Sherry Turkle, Work anytime
The forthcoming festive season is a great time to read and plan ahead for the new year. Here are five books which we cannot wait to get stuck into.
- Reclaiming conversations by Sherry Turkle. How few of us live in the present moment. At a recent formal dinner I was dismayed to see half the table checking their iPhones (and alike) and completely disengaged with conversations at the table. The art of conversation has been forsaken for connectivity. Sherry Turkle explores the pluses and minus of this change in social dynamics and consequences for our lives (positive and negative).
- The Letter by Kathryn Hughes. An example of how a self-published e-book can become a paperback hit. Just a page turner but you need them from time to time.

- Engaged; the neuroscience behind creating productive people in successful organizations by Amy Brann. With an academic bias, it provides a different insight into understanding how our brain govern how we behave. Using this insight, Amy provides practical tips on how to apply this knowledge to develop more productive people and organizations.
- Alive, Alive Oh! by Diana Athill. Now in her late nineties, another collection of observations and reflections on life. It is a rude reminder of how wonderful excellent writing can create a crystal clear picture with word alone. Anyone struggling to engage their employees in the art of writing good emails should give this as a Christmas present to the offenders.
- Mindfulness: 25 ways to live in the moment through art by Christophe André. Exquisite pictures which help you clear your head and hence practice mindfulness. A fresh approach and lots of simple, practical exercises to help you relax and chill out not just now but later when the stress builds up again.
What’s on you reading list?
Tags: Amy Brann, Books of note, Christophe André., Diana Athill, Kathryn Hughes, Sherry Turkle