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Reduce Business Email Overload in 2019 – Top ten tips

Posted Tuesday January 8th, 2019, 10:26 pm by

Here are my top 10 tips (and resolutions) to reduce business email overload in 2019.  These tips will enable you to take control of your inbox instead of allowing it to control your working day.  This will enable you to improve your performance and well-being and reduce the risks of an email borne cyber attack through stupidity.

  1. Educate colleagues (internally and externally) not to expect an instant reply.
  2. Avoid sending ‘naked’ emails (ie ones with no proper salutation and sign-off).
  3. Never send an email when under the influence of alcohol, drugs.
  4. Always attach first then write the email content.
  5. Clean out the inbox regularly and move out all emails more than one month old.
  6. When using your mobile device on the move as a diary etc, lock the screen with a photo of the day’s schedule.
  7. Use ‘Google Translate’ when sending emails to an international audience to check the content translates properly.
  8. Reduce the number of emails you send by at least 20%.
  9. Limit the number of times your inbox is checked for emails each day.
  10. Have a digital detox at least once a fortnight.

What are your New Year’s resolutions to reduce the level of business email overload in 2019?

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